Helping Kids Learn and Thrive Outside

In a time when screens dominate our daily lives, it’s becoming increasingly important to encourage kids to step outside and explore the wonders of nature. The great outdoors offers a wealth of opportunities for children to learn, grow, and thrive. From backyards to parks and public gardens, accessible outdoor spaces provide the perfect setting for kids to embark on exciting adventures – all while helping them learn and grow along the way!  

In this blog post, we’ll explore some simple ways kids can learn outdoors and dig into the many advantages of spending time outside. Off we go! 

Take a Backyard Expedition

The backyard is a natural playground for children. It’s a safe space close to home where kids can discover, experiment, and learn. Encourage your little ones to explore their surroundings, observe the plants and animals, and engage in imaginative play. It doesn’t matter if the only flowers are dandelions – dandelions are cool! Maybe even try setting up a small garden patch where they can plant and tend to their own flowers or vegetables. This hands-on experience fosters a sense of responsibility, patience, and an appreciation for the environment. 

Of course, if the squirrels are shy, Terra’s wild animal toys will be right at home in the backyard too!

Explore Nature's Classroom – Parks!

Public parks are loaded with learning opportunities. Try taking your children to a nearby park equipped with playgrounds, walking trails, and open spaces to explore freely. With proper adult supervision, children can be encouraged to interact with other kids, participate in group games, or simply take a quiet walk. This is also the perfect time to bring along a book on birds from the library and start birdwatching! 

Engaging in physical activities outdoors promotes healthy habits and active lifestyles while playing together helps build important social skills!

Children learning and playing outside in a forest school
Public park

Discover Public Gardens

A public botanical garden provides a wonderful mix of nature’s beauty and educational experiences. These green wonderlands often offer guided tours and interactive exhibits, allowing kids to explore various plant species and understand the intricate workings of ecosystems. Many botanical gardens also host workshops and hands-on activities, such as seed planting or nature-themed crafts, providing a fantastic chance for children to learn and engage with the natural world in a fun and interactive way. 

It’s like visiting a museum, but outside!

The Goodness of the Great Outdoors

Engaging with the outdoors in these easy-to-access settings offers numerous advantages for children’s learning and development: 

  1. Physical Health: Spending time outside encourages physical activity, improving cardiovascular health, coordination, and motor skills. 
  1. Cognitive Development: Exploring nature stimulates curiosity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. Outdoor learning enhances creativity and fosters a deeper understanding of science and the natural world. 
  1. Emotional Well-Being: Nature has a calming effect on children, reducing stress levels and promoting physical and mental well-being. Outdoor play also encourages resilience, self-confidence, and social skills as kids navigate and interact with their environment. 
  1. Environmental Stewardship: By connecting with the outdoors, children can develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment. They learn about sustainability, conservation, and the importance of preserving nature. 

They call it the Great Outdoors for a reason! So, let’s encourage our little ones to step outside, embrace the wonders of nature, and embark on endless adventures that will shape their development and create a lifelong love for the natural world.

What are your favorite ways to learn and play outdoors with kids? We’d love to hear about your adventures in the comments or on social media. You can follow Terra in the wild @TerrabyBattat on Instagram and TikTok.

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