Wild Resolutions for the New Year
Some people say animals get by on instinct alone, but Terra fans know there are animals out there with real gumption and, dare we say, rizz. For this issue of the Woodland Gazette, we’ve rounded up those who are ready to make this new year their year with wild New Year’s Resolutions!
The stories below are 100% all-natural imagination – for fun only! But the True Facts are very true.
TRUE FACT: An elephant’s trunk is a true multitool. It’s used for breathing, smelling, drinking, and feeding! The trunk is also useful for saying “hi” to other elephants, like how humans shake hands.
TRUE FACT: Did you know that when penguins slide on their bellies, it’s called tobogganing? Scientists think penguins do it to travel long distances, but also because penguins find it fun!
TRUE FACT: The adult male lion’s roar can be heard up to 5 miles (8km) away. He uses this roar to enforce the borders of his pride’s territory.
TRUE FACT: Foxes are caring parents. The female fox (vixen) stays with the baby foxes (pups) in their den for 7 months while the male fox (called a ‘dog’) brings them food.

TRUE FACT: Did you know not all owls hoot? Barn Owls make a hissing noise and the Screech-Owl makes a whinny sound – like a horse!
We hope these just-for-fun stories and true facts about highly motivated and hopeful animals make you smile. Share the love by sending this post to a friend! You can follow Terra in the wild @TerrabyBattat!