A Beautiful Horse's Day in the Neigh-borhood

Horse Morning Routine
7 am – Breakfast is served! I can’t get enough of that delicious hay. I’ll spend the next few hours just eating and eating, only stopping for water and taking toilet breaks. Did you know a horse produces about 50 pounds of manure a day? Watch your step, humans!
10 am – The barn doors open and it’s gorgeous outside. Time to run some laps around the pasture before my human brushes me down. I don’t mind a little grooming, but I sure do hate getting a bath. We horses only get a deep cleaning a few times a year since we’re kind of waterproof with our sleek, rain-resistant coats.
Afternoon Horse Adventures
4 pm – The sun starts getting low in the sky, which is my cue to really let loose. I’ll gallop around at top speeds just because I can. Speaking of which, did you know Secretariat (my hero) still holds the record for the fastest Triple Crown race? We’re born runners, baby!