Fun Easter Craft and Activities for Kids
Easter weekend is fast approaching and you might be expecting a few extra visitors! Keep kiddos engaged with a few fun Easter crafts for kids that are simple to execute and make for a delightful outcome! From bunny and chick garlands to mini terrariums – these indoor Easter activities for kids are the perfect way to spend an afternoon together!
Activity #1.
Bunny Tail Garland
This adorable bunny garland is a great one for the whole family to get involved as there are steps for every age to take on. Your first step is to create a stencil of a bunny, egg or small chick that will be your outline for creating the series. Get as creative as you like with these. Little ones can customize each individual animal with their coloring skills, glitter, stickers or paint. Alternatively, you can use colored paper or its a great way to recycle scrap paper sitting around your home. Once you are done, space the Easter bunnies out along a length of ribbon or string and tape from the reverse. For added pizzazz, make small tails on your bunnies with pom-poms.
Activity #2
Forest Friends Jar
This is a great craft for Easter and beyond for kids! Create small terrariums for them to personalize with plants an animals. There are a few ways to approach these depending on the child’s age. You can create artificial terrariums in a non-breakable clear container, using faux foliage and small animals. Alternatively, you can layer in real soil and seeds along with your animals and watch the magic happen as plants take root.
What you need:
- Large – Medium Clear Container
- Dirt, rocks or sand (small pebbles work)
- Moss or Faux Greenery
- Terra By Battat Tube Animals (Farm, Jungle, Fish, Reptile, Dino)
Activity #3
Spring Rolls
We love a craft that uses stuff around the house. If you are one of those households that saves bits for a “we might use this…” scenario – this is it! Hang on to all those cardboard toilet rolls and scraps of material for this Spring Rolls craft. The sky is the limit when imagination is the name of the game. Using the roll as the body, wrap in vibrant colored papers and go from there, creating butterflies, birds, rabbits and creatures of every kind. This would be a lovely centerpiece for a kids table at Easter or use them as playful napkin holders or perched along a window ledge.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday Easter weekend with friends and family. We love to see Terra as part of your celebrations! Share your baskets, crafts and wild Easter fun at @TerrabyBattat