Bringing a pet home for the holidays? Here's what you need to know.
Gift ideas for kids can be hard to nail down. Maybe the perfect present comes with four paws and a sweet little kitten face! Introducing children to animals can increase empathy and teach them how to take on more responsibility. Pets sure are unique Christmas gifts, but it’s important to consider a few factors before plopping a little puppy under the Christmas tree this year.

Do your New Year's resolutions include a well-trained pet?
It may be a Christmas wish...but is it the right time?

Christmas gifts galore
Other ways to gift

Whether now is the time for a new bestie or not, we can’t wait to hear about the holiday cheer in your household. From our Terra family to yours, we are wishing you a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. Make sure to tag us in your winter wonderland pics on Instagram and TikTok @TerrabyBattat.